Awaken Humanity Banner. In the center is Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms while standing next to Joseph. On the right and left sides there is writing, it says, OT & NT, Greek/Hebrew, Apocrypha, Bible Study, History and Prophecy.

What's a beneficial consequence? Well, I am glad you asked. Firstly, think of a negative moment in your life, it can be self-inflicted, or the cause of a 2nd or 3rd party. Now, can you think of a benefit you gained from the event in hindsight? There you go! That's a Beneficial Consequence... Now what to do with them...?

Beneficial Consequences allow us to understand growth through taking on situations that we may deem as negative. Just like a loss in an intense athletic match, we can go back and learn from the situation, instead of feeling defeat we can turn that into an information win.

A Christian will look back on their life after being saved. Once you are Born Again you become aware of your sins. In real-time you are scrutinizing your every move, subjectively trying to become better. If you are a Christian and do not feel this way, perhaps the study sections on this website are for you.

Using your own life, you can witness to others. Depending on whether you lived a life drenched in sin, or whether you can use your life situations. There are going to be remarkable witnessing tools embedded into your own life. It can be easier to witness to people who are stuck in sins you once called your own.

As a way to Forgive, I have used meditation on my past as a way to remember the events, forgive where necessary, and decide if I gained any Beneficial Consequences. Don't forget to use your own past as a tool when witnessing. You have first-hand knowledge and can say you are reborn in Christ. If you are reading this and haven't decided whether you are saved, please visit the audio, video and bible study sections of the website. Our resources tab has an enormous archive of Bible Believing Christian Tools!


God Bless Everyone,

Awaken Humanity


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