Awaken Humanity Banner. In the center is Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms while standing next to Joseph. On the right and left sides there is writing, it says, OT & NT, Greek/Hebrew, Apocrypha, Bible Study, History and Prophecy.

stone monument with Proverbs 4:2 overlaying the image. The Awaken Humanity logo is bottom center.

I started Awaken Humanity as a portal to "Enlighten" others who were blind to the "truth"...

It is an absolute that a deep dive into any occult subject will lead back in one way or another to the Word. This made me dive deeper into the Word instead of loosely quoting or skimming verses. I started reading them. What I found is the reason Awaken Humanity changed its focus from sharing unbiblical occult teachings to sharing the only Truth.

On my journey through new-age teachings, specific themes such as syncretism would show up, either obscure or blunt and in your face. There was no order in it all. I would research the authors on the new-age scene, especially those prevalent in the book circuit. Some of those faces are still making their way around and selling fairytales of lands imagined, far, far, away.

While I was fascinated with most if not all of these "guru" type "preachers" of the truth, on further inspection their stories would not hold water. More conjecture than fact, more exaggeration than reality. As I stated earlier, there was a common theme. I would notice outright hatred of Christianity or subtle patterns in teachings which would lead back to the New and Old Testaments of the Bible. Patters, which once seen, can not be unseen. You can never go back once you realize the God of the Bible is the only True God. It's impossible.

When I was young my family was Catholic, but mainly in name only. I was sent to Catholic school at 7 years old and needed to receive a quick Baptism to ensure I was saved before being allowed to join my class. I stayed for 1.5 years and remembered them as not so great. I do remember a particular French teacher who was fun to learn from. I can still remember two grown men picking me up to bring me close enough to get baptized, one was to be my godfather. He, nor my godmother was in my life. I think it was all just a charade similar to the way I see water baptism today.

I had no idea Christianity was made up of hundreds if not thousands of denominations. There were "flavours" it seemed to match anyone's lifestyle. So as a new ager, I set off to understand not only the Bible but most religious groups and their texts. I thought I could get closer to whatever God was by consuming it all. I wasn't necessarily wrong, however, in hindsight, I could have used more time in the Word. I will never have enough time, even if those new-age years magically came back, there is just not enough time for one person to fully understand all aspects of the Word in totality.

Doctrine is important, and discernment goes hand in hand. The Word can be confusing especially when you seek it out with a 20th/21st-century mindset. I suggest trying to go in as blind as possible and consume the Bible in full before trying to tackle some of the tougher dilemmas which present themselves as you mature in scripture. Learn Greek and Hebrew, and use a concordance and other dictionaries. Consume media, whether books or videos describing what the lifestyle and culture were 2000/3600 years ago in places mentioned in the Bible.

Search for Bible/Biblical Archaeology which can paint a picture of the life of Jesus, the prophets, kings, and the commoners of those days. What it meant to live in the areas described and what they ate. All of these things will help to bring the bible to life. It helps to strengthen your knowledge and thus your Faith will grow. You will be quick with Biblical truth and have the ability to share it with others.

That Truth is Jesus Christ, Our God and Saviour died on the cross and was resurrected. Baptizing us in blood and Cleansing us of Our sins. Then Ascending to sit at the right hand of the Father.

There is no other way to the Father except through Him. Please open your heart to the Word, allow the Spirit to guide you in your journey and most of all have Faith in Jesus Christ.

Everyone is welcome to join me here at Awaken Humanity. Atheists, New Agers, Denominational Christians, and the Myriad of other religious and non-religious groups. We can debate the scriptures, further our knowledge and discuss the topics without judgment. I will define my own beliefs as simply non-denominational Christian, I am interested in scholarly topics which pierce deeper into the subjects, yet I enjoy discussing all things Christianity, so engage and let's see where it takes us.



Awaken Humanity

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